Friday, November 6, 2009

In the dark of the woods, in the pale moonlight, watch the hours fade into the night

Lots of things have been troubling my mind lately. Mainly things that make me feel scared, not just at night, but everywhere I go.

Nowadays, prejudices aren't uncommon. You look one way, and there's a person sneering at another for being a different race, and look the other way to find some manager refusing a worker's promotion for being a woman. It's so horrible, and everytime that happens, my heart drops just a little bit more.

Sometimes, I can get really, really mad at people for shooting down others that have done nothing wrong to them. Just because they're different in one way or another, doesn't give you the authority to punish them for things that are part of them! It's how wars start, people.

There's this good friend of mine, and I'll just call him Capps for reasons of privacy. In his old school, he was constantly verbally abused, glared at, mocked, beaten up and threatened. It nearly killed him to endure all that pain, almost every single day. People would ignore him because of just one, tiny, little reason.

He had no interest in girls at all. Yes, he is gay, and I still think he's a wonderful person who makes people laugh, cares for the simplest things in life, and gives everyone and everything a chance. Well, except onions, he hates those, ahah. But he never shyed away from his problems. He stood up for himself.

So, what does that say? That it gives random haters the chance to make his life miserable? I think NOT. He deserves to live a normal life, not isolated for his sexual orientation, but treated like a HUMAN BEING.

I'm just glad that he's getting better. Ever since he moved to this new school, he found a few good friends through a very special society there, a society that's also close to my own heart in terms of family, trust, and faith. So, thanks, guys. Really. Thanks for helping Capps. I think--no, I know--that without you, he wouldn't be recovering at the rate he's at now. Thank you for accepting him the way I did, no limits and no strings attached. Just pure friendship.

And as for the whole prejudices thing? I'm still supporting rights for the restricted to be released from their boundaries, to step out from the shadow of repressed fools. And when that time comes, I'll be smiling all the way.

Hey. One small step for man, one big step for mankind.

Peace out, mates.


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