Monday, November 16, 2009

Maybe it's time for miracles, cause I ain't giving up on love

Ah. That was the sweet sound of the holidays. I'm sooo happy that we got an extra week off on account of the SPM that's starting this week.

To all the "lucky" Form Fives, all the best to you. You'll need it.

Haven't blogged since last week. It's been a long week, though, nothing much has actually happened that would be of any interest to anyone.

Well, more of the things that are to come, that might pique your interest. That, and the fact that I keep using overly fancy words today. Need to get in the mood for writing my magique/post-Victorian-era-style passage under Story 1 of Revelry for Tomas. Sound confuzzling, por favor? It probably is.

Going to watch 2012 on Wednesday. It seems really good, with the whole end-of-humanity thing. Maybe I'll have a good review for it after I see it. Might be my own epiphany waiting to happen.

Thursday is the FRIM/Rumah Hope trip. YEAHHH! Alright, last CF trip thingy of the year. Last chance to make small talk with the seniors before they officially turn Form Five/Four/Three and so on. Too bad though, that the Form Five can't come on accord of SPM. D:

Then, Saturday is Sab's birthday/BBQ/sleepover. *makes girly squeaky thingy noise* Alrighty, then. My first sleepover at a friend's house thingy. I like using the word thingy. It should be made into a real word.

List of words that should be in the dictionary: -

1) LOLworthy = Something worthy of LOL (laughing out loud) that is is superior to many other things.
2) Thingy = To describe something so much like a thing, it is encompassable by any other thing, therefore making it a thingy.
3) Skittle = Something amazingly awesome. Like rainbows. (Taste the rainbow, TASTE IT)
4) Meow = A sound that teenagers make when they want/need attention and/or like to annoy people.


I'm getting off track.

Okies, see ya on Thursday then. Bye.



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