Saturday, October 31, 2009

We need to raise the PEOPLE. - Vlad The Impaler, Kasabian.

Yo, people. Been surviving the major Internet loss by occupying meself with music. Lots of things to catch up on.

The Form Five Farewell was on Friday, along with the announcing of the 2010 CF committee. Let me make a dramatic 'aww' now.


It's sad that we--the Form Ones-- never got to know them better. I'm gonna miss them, Jeremy, Reuben, Shaun, Ben, Aaron, Jo Ann... all of 'em. They were great to know this part year. Hope they'll come back to visit next year. But, hey. The year isn't over yet. Opportunities are arising, both for them, and for us. Like, hey, I'm the 2010 Asst. Treasurer, but that isn't such a big deal.

Congrats to Joyce Ong on the new presidency role, and Dylan Tan for vice. May the two of them do their jobs well. I wish them both all the best in the year to come.

Oh, and congrats to Isaac, Eilene, Stephanie, Jonathan, Hsien Zern, Damien, Abigail, Jeremy, Bryan, Shia, Jason, Choy, Karen, Jacky, Tsu Tsen, Yeh Hoong, and anyone else I left out. (sorry, my memory is blown)

NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow!!!!! I'm excited. Not just because I scrapped half of my old plot, but because I'm doing something I'll have to dig out from my June--October memory bank. That'll take some serious reminiscing.

YAY AAR. I really wanna go. Heard that J. Ong S. L. got a pass. Lucky guy.

Bleh. Nothing much to blog about. I'll just close with a quote. Adios.

"Remember to live your highschool years to the fullest. These will be the best years of your life." - Shaun Ang.

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