Monday, October 19, 2009

Just cause we're having a say-so, we're not lining up to be play-doh

It's Monday.

So, Deepavali holidays? I've just been out and about at my relatives' house. We had dinner, and then I played Guitar Hero III with my cousins.

I beat the crap out of them with Barracuda and Stricken, wahey.

Been getting my act up on Leaky. It's a blast, with all them Gryffs, Huffies, Claws and Slyths. And the reading groups are excellent. Also, Scrivenshaft's holds an extensive range of writers. I rather enjoy the games, chat and the essays too.


Finally talked to Joel. Lol. He has a blog. Go figure.

I like cheese. Okay? Random enough?

I say, working on fic with self-invented magical creatures, is NOT EASY. I mean, who in the world knows what the eating habits of a Naala is? Sigh.

Okie-dokie, will post more soon. Adios.

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