Friday, September 11, 2009

It's September 11, 2009

Every year since 2001, I've spent this day doing something to remember those lost souls of September 11 in my own way. I know people who visit graves, and some makes special announcements or phone calls or hold memorials.

I know a brave man-- a comic book artist-- who spends this day every year by locking himself in a room and painting the whole day. He was a witness to the collapse of the towers. He saw those people fall from fifty storeys high, heard them scream and heard them cry. And to this day he still cannot get the images out of his head.

I want to take a moment, just to ask you to bow your heads in silence, or just say a small prayer. Those lives did were taken away from loving families, loving parents, loving children... I could never imagine how much pain and sorrow was caused. My grandfather passed away the same month as 9/11, the same year. This has become a special day for me, a day when I just remember those who died, those who survived, those who saw it, those who mourned. And also to remember my grandfather.

This day reminds me to be thankful that I'm still alive. Life is like a candle; it could be snuffed out anytime, and we wouldn't be prepared. We can't predict when we'll die. We won't know when. So we have to live life to the fullest. Live, love, laugh, learn. Don't look back at the past; go forward. Go forward and see that you can still bring good to the people around you, if you learn to live life as a better person.

Have you seen the movie World Trade Center? If not, then go. Go and watch it. You can see first hand, the account of a fireman who was rescued after being stuck under tons of rubble for nearly two days. 2 293 people died that day, after two planes crashed into the World Trade Center, another plane crashed into the Pentagon, and another crashed into a field. There were no survivors from any of the flights.

So I dare you to move. Give a small portion of your day to respect these people. I'm eternally grateful for that.
I dare you to move. Listen.

Eleventh Day Of September

It's Flight Q33 NY, honey
I'm watching the clock tick
As I know you get onboard
The smile on your face won't be comparable
To the fact that you'll be coming home soon
It's only a three hour trip
You'll be back
Amy's waiting up, you know how seven year olds are
She made you a card too
Twenty minutes till you arrive
I'm about to pull on my coat, and Amy's got the keys
But then my instincts take a left turn
I turn on the telly
And as seven seconds drown into my skin
I usher Amy upstairs
And watch in silence
A crash of two planes
Into the sibling towers downtown
It can't be
And I'm begging Amy to stay with the neighbour
Just as I go check
I know it might break her, she's too young
So I speed off downtown
And I catch sight of flames
And a man runs down the sidewalk
"My son was in there!"
My heart takes a tumble for the worse
But I keep going
And I see
The tail of the plane on the ground
It says... oh
It's Flight Q33 NY, honey
And the world fades to black.


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