Friday, September 11, 2009

It's only Sam and Dean, guys

Trying not to roll my eyes at the huge Twitter war going out over the trending topics #GodIsHere and #luciferiscoming. About an estimated 50 000 are going out at a limb to tweet that the devil will not win and that God will triumph over evil.

I know that's true, but WILL YOU JUST READ THE TOPIC AND SEE IT'S ONLY ABOUT THE SHOW SUPERNATURAL THAT'S AIRING ON CBS AT NINE O CLOCK??? It's the episode where Lucifer appears and Sam and Dean try to stop him from bringing evil to the world.

This is the stuff that I hate. It's people who jump to conclusions over their beliefs and try to turn it into a big, fat, war. I know that standing up for God is good, it's awesome, but please don't turn it Hitler style.

Even a small Twitter war can cause permanent damage.

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