Sunday, August 2, 2009

It Still Takes My Breath Away

Wow. I'm feeling kinda sad. Next week I have to return Mr. Jacob's bible. Aww. I think I've grown rather attached to that orange GNB. Reading through Acts wasn't enough, so I went ahead and read probably half of the Old Testament and three quarters of the New Testament.

And I say, wow. The bible is truly a book of miracles. And, going for the 13th National Bible Knowledge Quiz this morning really opened my eyes towards reading the bible. As the CO of Methodist College, Miss Moey, said this morning in her speech, the bible is a roadmap for our lives. And it is the way to acheiving true success in life. Just flipping through the pages, one can see the many wonderous things God did for his people, the Israelites, and just his power over all the land. And the way He tore down the enemy nations who were opposing the Israelites. Even through his prophets, the Lord spoke of many more things to come. And how good is the Lord for sending his only son for us.

I hear Shermaine has finished reading hers? Congratalations to that! =D

Recess Revo is coming along fine. Quite well, actually. I managed another post on the Revo site, so check it out if you have time, oh invisible people who read this.



PS. LOL, oh Hsien Sern and Aaron, leaving a sleeping Damien on the canteen table. xD

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