Friday, May 8, 2009


I finally found it. The thing I've been looking for. After two years, I finally found it.

Ah, nice to relieve old memories again. I believe some call it nostalgia.

I call it odd that it suddenly turns up after so long.

The black-and-purple braided chain from Justin.

Long story. Don't ask.

Wore it to school today. I still remember the day he made it. It was a nice day. Yes. All six-seven?- of us, sqiushed together on the mat, tying strings.

Haha, it was a really good day. I just wish we all kept in touch after that. Of course, I did lose the book from May, so well. :[

I still remember Justin well. Hmm. Wonder if he still remembers. I don't think so. His condition pretty much made it hard for him to.

He should be about fifteen or sixteen by now. Huh.

This discovery has made me want to blog now. Okay then. I might continue this story tomorrow.

Time flies when you're reliving the past.


tasha (its a russian name, twerps)

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