Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Uncreativeness Has Forced A Writing Contest Onto Myself

Yes, it's that time of year again.
I'm entering a bloody writing competition.

THE DEADLINE IS 30 APRILLLLL!!!!!111!!!!11111oneoneone!!!!!11111!!


I've only gotten a few lines in.

The title is, "If I Were An Angel".

Starts like this:

He had green eyes.

That was all Avery remembered. It was as if he'd just woken up from a dream, a dream so vivid and real. It was like he'd forgotten what he had dreamed about. It was hanging from the tips of his fingers, but he just couldn't hold onto it.

Bright, emerald-green eyes, cold and sharp.

It was a dismal feeling, seeing that something was missing from Avery's life. Something of great importance, but it slipped his mind.

Those eyes betrayed his soul, though.

Avery knew he'd remember eventually. He just had to wait and see. He could never completely forget.

A soul that belonged to an angel's.

His angel.

So, feedback?
I'd really love some comment on this, some help as well.

Please and Thank You.


kilik pwns pink sunners

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