Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tis the season to be jolly....


Can you believe it? Just two days to Christmas! It feels like July right now, but the Christmas tree over here proves otherwise.

I'm at my cousins' house in Kampung TImah, Perak, and we're-- they're-- watching a Chinese soap thing. Kinda involves martial arts and some stuff, but eh. It's cool.

Presents are under the tree, but I get to open mine early, cause I'M COMING BACK TO SUBANG!!! :D

Tomorrow me and my mami are taking the bus early in the morning. (hopefully AFTER the AI:8 rerun XD)

Wahhhhh. Christmas. The time for giving, receiving, and most of all, sharing. I'd love to post a scary-long post on the importance of Christmas right now, but unfortunately, my PC time is limited to 9:30.

*checks* Ten minutes to go then. Better finish up mah FB business. Ahahah.

Well, I'd like to say one thing for now: Reminisce.

Tis the time to look back, and remember all those great memories you've gained over the years, around this special time of year. My favourite thing to do during Christmasses (and the cookies, oh the cookies)

Busying myself right now with "How The Irish Did It" and "Winter Pieces", two short stories I'm going to write soon for January. Hopefully I'll finish with the Irish one first. Those lads are running around in my mind madly, wanting to be let out soon.

Ahh. My time's up. Gotta go now. Blog ya laterrr.

Cheers, and a Merry Xmas.


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