Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sharing Is Caring

Le Gasp. The Klang Valley Recess Revolution Gathering was this morning. And it was totally awesome.

There were about 200 odd students from all different schools there at Acts Church that morning. Wow. My first time to a church in about eight years. And it was really cool.

Mr Jacob picked me up at nine thirty. Stephanie and Jonathan and Clovey were already in the car. We came late because of the traffic near Jonathan's house *coughcoughnearLickHung*. When we got there, we got Revo notebook and pens! Ain't that something.

And out of the blue, Pastor Andy comes up and asks, "You're Natasha, right? You're going up on stage later to share that testimony you posted on the website." And I was, "Oh, okay." Unexpected.

WE HAD 15 MINUTES RECESS AHAHA. Nasi lemak and coffee. Chan Tong hands me someone's jacket and says it's for 'safety purposes' when we go up on stage later. Eh. OOH, OOH, and I got two more RR badges and RR stickers. STICKERS! Got one badge for Jonathan and one for Stephanie.

And I did go up and share, and the first thing I noticed was, 'Woah, nice microphone'. Haha, then I answered some of Pr. Andy's questions. Chan Tong was right beside me. He wearing this white jacket. Pr. Andy said, "Wahh, Chan Tong got nice jacket eh." People chuckled.

And then, when Pr. Andy asked what Form I was, I held up one finger. He said, "Form One!" and people, like, cheered. Wow. They actually clapped eh. It felt cool. I felt the teensiest bit important, like I was actually making a change. And I guess I am. Leading our Form One RR team has been a valuable experience.

But what struck me was the fact that a standard six girl from Lick Hung had enough courage to go and start RR in her school. And she came today. Wow. She's tiny! But she's still very capable of leading her team of 10. Great work, Mun Cheng.

I guess I'll sign of here. Oh wait.



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