Thursday, August 6, 2009

An Aon Of Leaders

Hey, people. Here to blog on this lovely Thursday night. This lovely, lovely, Thursday with so much niceties.

Might I mention another Happy Birthday to both Jeremy Ong and Nikki Claire? Hope you two had a good day. Jeremy, enjoy the card. Nikki, thanks for the cake. You two rock.

Ohya. We, the Form Ones, did Recess Revolution this afternoon. We cleaned the school hall. Oh yes. It was a really coordinated affair, with much gratititude to Daniel Chin (our leader for that week) and Clovey Lye (last week's leader hehe) for working together with the rest of the team.


And, I am sooooo proud of everyone who sacrificed their only free period of the day just to clean the hall and just bless the school and the students. Guys, thank you all so much.

And the prefects were mighty surprised when they saw us cleaning up for them. The Biro Perhimpunan is supposed to be in charge of cleaning the hall, so he was really grateful. I tell you, I was really surprised myself when I saw some people bringing in their friends to help. Although three others couldn't make it, we still had enough hands to do a good job within the 20 minutes of recess time.

Daniel, you did a good job this week. You handled being the leader really well, and planned everything out smoothly (with me and Cloves's help of coursee) and I'm proud of you. Really, I am.


Oh, and I'd like to send a shout out to the Lick Hung students who have started Recess Revolution in a school of oppression. You guys are so brave, and I hope that every other school that isn't involved yet just follows your example of showing up, standing up, and speaking up for a cause. Great job.

CF is tomorrow. I can't wait, actually. I kinda really love to serve on the technical team. Shia, Vi June and Choy are awesome bosses, and Daniel is an awesome team member. Oh, and Joyce said I'm the emcee for tomorrow. You know, the one who goes up on the stage and announces things into a microphone?

*silently explodes with joy and rockets into screen*

Okay. That's it for now. Ciao.


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