Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Top Five Favourite Songs Of The Week

Okay. Hopefuly my music choice doesn't bore ya'll to death, but here goes.
BTW click the song names. :]
I tried to find the videos with the best quality even though I could't find the official videos for No. 1, 2, 4 and 5.
And, yes, No 1, and 2 have no official videos.

Numero Uno
For A Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic - Paramore
It's a really inspirational song, and really. Just awesome. I like the lyrics; the beat and riffs are catchy, all in all a great song. Top song of the week.

Numero Dos
The World Is Ugly, Dont' You Know? - My Chemical Romance
Just... perfect. Amazingly perfect. I cannot describe it. Beautiful lyrics, and the way he sins it... oh god, perfect.

Numero Tres
No You Girls - Franz Ferdinand
It's so up-beat and catchy, honest to god, I fell in love with the song just yesterday night. I was watching them on MTV World Stage, and it was their first song of the night.

Numero Quatro
La Camisa Negra - Juanes
During the movie Goal II, there was a particular scene that played this song, and I hadn't heard it in over a year, so it brought back really fond memories of my love for Spanish songs.

Numero Sinco
When Did Your Heart Go Missing - Rooney
Oh my goodness, I adore this song like no other, with the fast yet catchy old-school-up-tempo-riffed-Beach-Boys influences and just, the words are too awesome.

So, that's my Top Five of the week. Tune in next time on Tuesday (hey, tomorrow, yay) to see my EPIC list of Top Twenty-five Songs of The Month.


xo tash kissed a girl and went oh awesome lol