Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Top Fifteen Favourite Songs Of The Month

Okay, so, I said twenty-five, but there weren't many good songs this month, so here you go, fifteen favourite songs of the month!
Yay. Lol.
So, this time, all the songs have been borrowed from MySpace.

Dear Maria, Count Me In - All Time Low
All Time Low? More like All Time Awesome. This is an amazing song, and I fell in love with the vocals from the vey beginning, especially during the bridge; that part is amazing.

Risky Business - The Cab
This is a very enlightening song, and the vocals, and the whole arrangement is awesome. I love it.

No You Girls - Franz Ferdinand
I love this song too much, and to leave it out of the list would be cruel and unusual. So, here ya go. Franz Ferdinand, everyone.

Paper Planes - MIA
One of the songs from the soundtrack for Slumdog Millionaire, this song touches on the thriving feel of the Mumbai life. You would know what I'm talking about if you've seen the movie, but whatever. Enjoy.

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - The Beatles
I love this song, oh my god, I love it to pieces. Even though it's probably thirty something yeas old, it's still amazing.

Numb - Linkin Park
Okay, so even though Linkin Park isn't much of my entrende, this is still a good song. Very raw, emotional, and the video is execellent. Go search it on YouTube.

The (Shipped) Gold Standard - Fall Out Boy
Okay, so this. The rarely-found awesomeness of a song that promotes saving the Eath, and warns about the GreenHouse Effect. This is the type of song that I'd to see more often.

If You Can Afford Me - Katy Perry
I really like this song. It's catchy, sarcastic, yet enjoyable for all the players out there who know that some girls are a little less cheaper than others. Aha.

Mardy Bum - Arctic Monkeys
It's British and awesome. That's all I have to say.

Mercy - OneRepublic
A heart-breaking song full of emotion and deep thoughts, this song seriosuly made me cry the second time I listened to it properly.

He's Half In Love With Elizabeth - The Mystery Jets
Another British song, and this one is pure win. I mean, a song about a guy who loves his girlfriend AND Queen Elizabeth? TMJ, you guys have done it again.

Farewell To The Fairground - White Lies
I love the ending of this song; it's haunting and catchy. And, the words are so true. There's no place like home.

Starlight - Muse
Well, well, seems that the Brtis are dominating the charts tonight. These guys are awesome.

1, 2, 3, 4 - Plain White T's
It's an adorable song, and the video is so sweet. I love the little captions at the bottom. So cute.

The Fear - Lily Allen
This is, honestly, a really nice song. The song is sung really whisper, and it suits the curret situation of the media propaganda.

So, that's it.
Enjoy, folks.


xo tash loves all time lowwwww

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