Monday, December 29, 2008

Free Thinkers Come Alike

Oh hello there. Bonjour. Long time no see, I suppose.

How are you people out there? Doing fine, I hope. Savvy? I've been watching Pirates Of The Carribean: At World's End. Fantastic movie, I must say. The special effects were real good, and it's a jolly good show to watch if you need a laugh as well. The actors are superb in this one, and I dare say, I've never seen a better movie about pirates in my life. OF course, my life is only so short, but who gives a damn anyway? And I do say, Keira Knightley does some fine acting in the movie. And I have to admit... she's kinda hot. :D

And so in about a week or so, school starts for us over here. Yup. Seventh Grade, a whole new world, a whole new school. Damnit. I'm sure to be the nobody I was back in my old school. In my old school, I got along better with guys instead of gals. Of course, I like both, so who cares? Right? Sigh...

So, I'm wondering about a new fanfic. I'm really just too lazy to write out a plot so it's gonna be a chaptered fic... short, but chaptered nonetheless. I may have mentioned it in the previous post, a crossover of Panic At The Disco, France, The Da Vinci Code and some other confusing stuff involving the FBR family on a weird sidetrip to Paris where Panic finds out some creepy stuff about Ryan's past life. And Brendon's. And Spencer's. And of course Jon's too. It'll be pretty odd stuff, but I bet worth reading, hehe.

And, oh wow. How the HELL did Pete Wentz come up with Bronx Mowgli Wentz? Hopefuly the kid changes his name, or he'd just go by... wait a sec, WTF I just noticed that his initials spell out B.M.W? Isn't that... Pete's favourite car? Erm, smooth move man, naming your kid after a neighbourhood, a cartoon character, and a fucking car for heaven's sake. Hopefully Gerard Way's kid will have an at least, not so weird but not so normal name, like Avery Way or Skyler Way or something, cause another Bronx will kill all the MCR & MSI fans out there. Like, =/

Okay, so I'm done with my pointless rambling tonight... or is it morning if it's 1:42? I have no idea, but goodnight anyways. Au revoir.

xo Frerard lives on :D

PS Hell yes! xD

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