Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Have I Found You? Or Lost You?

Okay, I know I haven't updated anything in a long time. I've been busy; many fanfic ideas and poems have been flowing around my head. I've taken up French this month. Thank God for Microsoft Word. So, now I'm sort of good at French. I think. o.O

Has anyone seen Twilight yet? I haven't yet, but I love the soundtrack. "Flightless Bird, American Mouth" is stuck in my head. So is "Yule Shoot Your Eye Out" and "Mama". The last two songs aren't from the soundtrack. Just from Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance.

I'm a member of Im Not Okay.net now. It's a very addictive forum site. For MCR fans and others. My username is ImagineTheStars, so anyone reading this with an accont there can add/pm me if ya want.

So, Christmas. Anyone else here celebrating with two separate families? Yes, that's right. Christmas Eve with my Dad's side of the family; Christmas Day with my Mom's side. It's a hassle, but worth it sometimes.

My appeal for SU came through. I'M GOING TO SU! ~victory dance~ Now, I'm reunited with my best friends. Over the holidays, my friends Afiq & Erfan & I have become a bit close. Good friends, you can say that. We're all going to the same school, hows that for good? But, there's someting else bugging me. My other friend, Bob, has become entirely distant nowadays ever since I told him I was bi. That creep has the most annoying cousins too. Joel & Thanesh are still my best friends. Too bad Joel is going to SMK instead. D:

Then, today I saw The Academy Is...'s new video for "Winter Passing". I swear, the best video of the month, even with the simplicity of it all. William Beckett looks great in the video, and when he stopped singing to smile at camera, it was so sweet. :D

And then Fall Out Boy's new album, Folie a Deux. Wonderful, wonderful work. Better than Infinity On High any day. Brendon Urie sings in both "20 Dollar Nose Bleed" and "What A Catch, Donnie". Gabe Saporta, William Beckett, Alex Deleon, Elvis Costello, Travis McCoy and Doug Neuman are all featured on "What A Catch, Donnie" with Brendon as well. "I Don't Care" and "Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet" are great too.

I've been reading tons of fanfics on Slash At The Disco and FicWad and I've been inspired by all the writers on there. Especially a few authors like panicatteryden, spazzyskittles, and a few others. I have this idea; it's a Ryden story set in France, a small crossover with The Da Vinci Code, Transformers and Twilight. Weird, aye? That's how my mind works.

So, since his post is going on way longer than expected let me throw in a few more random stuff I want to bring up. Obama is president, yay. School is starting soon, boo. New Year's is coming, the new year is coming, 2009 is coming. I'll be one year older. A year more mature? Psh, yeah right. I still have the imagination of Brendon Urie on Red Bull and Frank Iero on Skittles combined.

And OMG Spencer Smith finally got rid of his beard! Time to celebrate. But Frank Iero gains one. Creepy, eh? Gerard and Lyn-Z are expecting a baby!! Oh wow, this is fantastic news. Finally, Gee is gonna be a Dad! A a great one at that, for sure. And a member of MSI is expecting too! His wife, I mean. But still... YEAH!

And MCR has news on next year's new album as well; they're toning the album down a bit and returning to punk-rock. Ah, good old fashioned punk-rock. Frank's side-band LeATHERMOUTH is fuckin' awesome, only way to describe it. Aggresive, angry, very meticulously put together and all the same great.

So, here ends today's rambling. xD Signing off.

xo~Capulet's Artic~

PS That's my MySpace site-name. Add me. xD

PPS Support "HELP STRIP URIE" on MySpace. Grace & Kiri & Cheli will thank you dearly.

PPPS Yes, add them too. Oh, and "fetch a camera" ~ Grace, "/totured circus" ~ Cheli, "Pretty. Odd. QCS" ~ Kiri, and "BUIG +1k". Please & thank you.

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