Tuesday, November 18, 2008

But There Ain't No Sunshine In Your Eyes, We Must Reinvent Love

Hey guys. Been a while since I've updated.

Sorry to say... Rant Part 2 is not coming out.

Instead, I'm here to talk about MORE boring stuff.


Anyways... I wrote this incredibly cheesy poem and me hopes them readers can comment. Please?? (Bad grammar, yes.)

Here's it. Damn short, I'm just warning you:

It was all but summer's end,
All he had was a guitar, a pick, and a pen,
The crowd's attention was easily gained,
By a melody so eerily attained,
Strumming the chords, perfecting his song,
He was singing to the Moon and the Sun all along,
Walking on by, a figure of the past,
Stopped to see the one he loved last,
Memories thought to be long gone,
Found through yet another simple song,
Calling his name, across the street,
Hoping that they could meet,
After all this time,
For so long,
The Sun and The Moon,
Found love once more...


And if you can guess... who do you think the poem is focused on?

It's easy for people who went to SKSJ. I'll give you one minute.

Crickets chirping...

Aww come on! It's so easy!!

Never mind then. Well, COMMENT PEOPLE!!

~Gives you all virtual cookies for reviews~

Joking. But, comment. I'm so lonely. =D

xoxo T


You don't like it? I DON'T CARE. =D


  1. Thanks for the comment. I like the poem btw =p and I am not sure who the poem is focused on but I think I know XD

  2. haha the poem is corny to me. I think it is focus on wait...idk. XD
    HAHAHA TQ for the cookies
