Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What a night for a dance

So, I've delayed this for long enough.

CF TRIP 2009

We went to FRIM on the very sunny day of 19 November, when we gathered at the school first before heading off on a bus, all 40something of us.

Brought lots of bandages and plasters and meds along. Me --> unofficial paramedic for the day. Haha. The only person who was even remotely hurt at the end of the day was Hsien Zern. He got a cut on his toe. Lol, okay, yeah, I'm continuing now.

W e left the school early, and while we all passed the time in the bus by talking and singing and stuff, we had some currypuffs. Edwin had like, seven. Ahah. So, Jeremy didn't bring his guitar along, but he borrowed Damien's (he has a guitar, who knew) which was in pretty bad... out-of-tuned... shape. So, wind, wind, wind, strum, yay.

We reached FRIM, and the guide's name was Mr. T. Cool dude, and he showed us this fish that lived in the pond by the entrance. It was BIG. Clara was to be the sacrifice. xD

We walked ahead a little; some people had to go to the toilet first, then Shia said, "You know, it's funny that we're starting our journey from the toilet." LOL, whut. And people were rubbing stuff all over their arms to keep bugs away. Joshua smelled like a whole container of really strong Tiger Balm stuff.

Mr. T asked us a few questions before we went in, like, "What would you do if a tiger came" or "What to do when you see a snake?"

Take picture of the snake. XD And just "AAA" the tiger lahhhhh. :P :D

We walked, and climbed, and hiked, and climbed, and fell, and jumped, and slid, and hiked, and sweated.

When we reached the waterfall/stream, it was amazing. Cold, cold water, and almost everyone jumped in to splash around. We got a few good throws at Damien, and Mr Jacob (Head of the Downstream Tribe) led us against the Upstream Tribe (Lol, I know, what?) and we were somewhat victorious! Ahahaha.

We climbed through a drainpipe thing, where the current was really strong. I sat next to Jeremy at the edge, watching someone carry Clara on their shoulders. Then, Jeremy asked me, "Hey, you want to try?"

"Uhmm... sure??"

Then, he actually carry me on his shoulders across one part of the stream, ahah, it was really fun, even when i fell off.

It was a really fun time at FRIM, and after washing up, we went to Rumah Hope. We got assigned a kid each, but mine didn't even talk me, instead went straight at Jun Han, and so did five other Chinese boys. Lol, popular already. xD

Ah, it was better anyways, I got to interact with more kids. We sang carols and played games and had cake and drinks and talked. It was very fun.

When I was at one of the tables with Shia and Hsien Zern, there was this guy who said, "I'm the future prime minister ah, and I got this high-tech car ah, and see my son next to me ah *points at guy next to him who's the same age* and.........................................."

Imagination. Very interesting at times.

When we were about to leave, there was this ADORABLE little girl who just went, "NO." and walked off. She was in denial. Aww.

We packed up and got on the bus, feeling rather tired... okay, REALLY tired, but happy. Ya'know the feeling? You get it after Sports Days and big events like Rally and Camp, and it feels really awesome to just fall asleep once you get home.

Some quotes from random people throughout the day:

"PUSH, yes. But now I think a short break would be kind on me."

"Why are you talking about toy dolphins?"
"We're talking about the destruction and sometimes misplacement of certain soft toys."

"Just keep climbing, just keep climbing, climbing, climbing."

"Woi, you better not fall on me ah."

"You look very flushed."
"Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment."
"That wasn't a compliment."
"I know."

"Say it like you mean it. YEAH."
"YE-- watch out, car!"
"What the--"
"Okay, what? YEAH."

"We people of the Downstream Tribe will be victorious against the Upstream Tribe!"

"So many baptisms today, ah?"

"Come over to the dark side. We have cookies."

"Come here. I want to play with your hair."
"Uhh, okay?"

"Wait... why are there two circles?"
"Yeah, they're pretty much stuck like that for now."

""We're going already."

There were a few other things that were supposedly memorable, but my mind has blanked on me again. Oh well.

So, it was indeed, a trip to remember.



PS LET'S DO THIS AGAIN NEXT YEAR. TOTALLY STOKED. Hold on, did I just say totally stoked? Never mind that, OKAY LET'S DO THIS AGAIN NEXT YEARRRRR.

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