Sunday, November 22, 2009

7-10 split, my new pocket watch, 2012 and more.

Yay I can finally write about the Sunway Pyramid trip. Next post will be about the CF trip.

It was Kim, Arvind, Jonathan, Kristine, Clovey, Joel, me, Hui Yen, Emily and Mei Shuet. We went for lunch first, and we had pizza at Pizza Hut. Haha, we had coupons, so we didn't have to pay much. :P

We went bowling first, and I totally creamed Arvind. Man, it was a good game. Joel won, with the most points and all, second was Jon and third was me. :] Five per lane, so we split into two lanes. Arvind was last for my lane, so yeah. Hahahahahahah I beat youuuu. :P

Then, we split up into two groups; Hui Yen, Emily, Mei Shuet went one way, the others and I went the other way. We went to the anime shop, with all the videos, and Joel bought a Naruto Forbidden Head Band, Arvind got a World of Warcraft ring, and I got a Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Pocket Watch. It's totally cool. Mwahaha. Love it.

Then, we went next door for archery, but me, Clovey and Jonathan didn't join in. We sat down and observed. It looked cool, but some arrows went off target. Ahah, Joel and Kristine.

Then, we jalan-jalan before going to see the movie. The movie itself deserves a paragraph of its own.


The movie. Was. AMAZING. I love the theme itself: end of the world, and humanity is lost, bla bla and that stuff. It was very powerful, you know, and the whole thing with the USA president staying back with the other people just to tell them that the world was coming to an end. And the family with the doctor who discovered the shifting of the tectonic plates, when they got swept away by the tsunami, it was just so sad.

Honestly, I cried so much during the movie, and I'm sure that the others cried too. And there was clapping and cheering, in the cinema. It was really, really good.

I totally recommend this movie for anyone who wants to be scared out of their seat.

ADAM LAMBERT ROCKS MAN. Time For Miracles is such a great song, I'm glad they chose it for the movie.

Well, that's it for this post. Next one will be later on in the day, cause I'm still at Sabrina's house. The sleepover was so fun, hehehe. Erin was the only other one who sleptover. We watched Taylor Swift videos and ate ice cream at 12 in the morning and watched half of John Tucker Must Die.

Anyways, that's pretty much it.



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