Wednesday, October 7, 2009

You say pepper, I say AT-CHOO.

Remember my last post about the ranting I wanted to do? Yeah, well, that's postponed.

Next week I'll continue that "fume".

For now, I'm just going to post about NaNoWriMo, or as known generally, National Novel Writing Month. Every November, you can sign up to pledge to write a 50, 000 word novel and post it online, and you might win if you can finish 50, 000 words in one month, ending at 11:59:59 gst November 30.

You could enter too, but if you don't think you have enough ink in your pen to finish 50, 000 words, you can join the NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program, where instead of pledging 50, 000, pledge what you can write, like 20, 000 or 15, 000, but there's no changing that after November 1st.

So what are you waiting for? I'm joining (well duh) so why not you? Ain't no fun in doing this alone. I've already pledged 25, 000 words.

Crack open those heads, pull out the plot-bunnies scampering inside that noggin and write those things you've been wanting to write! Aliens, love, rayguns, music, the works!

Here's the link: NaNoWriMoYWP

If your name is Clovey, THEN YOU MUST JOIN. :P



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