Friday, September 18, 2009

"A man goes into a bar and says, 'Ouch!'"

I'm bored. Have a Mikey.

I'd put a Brendon here, but I think the occasion requires Mr Way for this post. He's a nice smiley. :)

Now let's see. Hmm. Ohya.


Tomorrow, I will be leaving at 6.30pm to Kampung Timah, Tanjung Tualang, Perak, to celebrate Hari Raya and my sis's b-day with my Chinese relatives.

YAAAAYYYYYYY. I've missed my cousins, tons.

I will be studying a lot this week too. Bleh. I don't like exams. :P

YAY KINGS OF LEON CD!!!!!!! Loving Revelry and Be Somebody; my fav tracks so far other than Use Somebody.

Lazy to post something long. All in all, It's good to be back on INO.


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