Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tell Me Something

I'm almost off to guitar class now. Just thought I'd do some last minute blogging here and there before I left. You know, everytime I go to Yamaha, I manage to get in three minutes to browse through the aisle of guitars. And always, a certain guitar manages to catch my eye. One day, if I can ever scrape together a few thousand ringgit, that beautiful Epiphone Les Paul Classic will be mine.

Oh yes. I wanted to talk about Recess Revolution in this post. Since I was last week's representative for our little group, I just felt like there was more to say than just "oh we did this and that" and I want to just acknowledge the fact that this, Recess Revo, is something more than students doing stuff like cleaning the canteen, or sweeping the hallways, or carrying bags for teachers.

Recess Revolution is the chance for us Christian students to actually make a change, make an impact in your school or campus or workplace. With just twenty minutes, who knows how much we can get done? Even little things like telling people "God Bless You" can help.

A small group of us Form One's went out during recess to pray for some students. Getting turned down may have been a little disappointing, but we won't give up. We still have next week, and next week, and even next week. It doesn't have to end at recess. It doesn't have to end at school.

Who says you can't help in your home? Who says you can't pray for people you work with? Who says you can't speak about Recess Revo in your church? Who says that you can't still continue to bring revival outside of school?

I may not belong to any church, and I may have been like any other person about six months ago, but I am a changed person because of what Subang Utama's Christian Fellowship has showed me. They showed me that I can still live my life out and still be a student with faith.

I know that God is real, and he is watching over all of us, and I want to do my best to repent for all the bad things that I've done. I know that one day I'll be ready to do all this and more.

And also, I've just realised that I've grown rather fond of the people on CF. They're a wonderful bunch, and Icouldn't have accomplished anything without them. The Form Four's especially, thank you for being so supportive of everything the Form One's decided to do.

To somebody out there:
You know, I'm pretty glad you didn't move to that other school after PMR. I'm really thankful that you stayed with Subang Utama. It is also safe to say that even though you may not see this, I just wanted to say thanks.


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