Friday, July 10, 2009

Revival Is Coming

Today's CF was rather cool. We broke out the electric guitars, mwahaha. Too bad the mixer was already at Sunway College for Rally tomorrow. And one of the microphone wires was busted. Awh well. The curtains weren't up, but the slides were. Joyce did the slides today, and Reuben, Jeremy and Shia played. Damien sang.

Mr Jeremy Ong brought his Japanese Ephiphone Les Paul today. I love that thing. Sleek, shiny, perfectly tuned and better sounding than any Gibson; just, wow. One day, I'll get a guitar to match that, and hopefully I can play as well as he does.

Chan Tong was the speaker today, and he said some stuff about the five D's. I can't remember all of them, but Decievement, Disappointment and Distractment. Those are three things we should avoid, all just temptation.


We gave out sweets, Mentos and Fruity thingys (I can't remember, but they were PURPLEEE) to the afternoon session teachers. Some of them had a pleasantly surprised look, and the others were actually rather touched by our actions. We gave some to the canteen workers too. Just wish the bookshop lady was there so we coul've given her too.


I can't believe it's almost Rally. Just 11 hours away.
I'm so excited.

No words for now. Will be back after rally.
Hang tight.


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