Saturday, June 13, 2009

CF Camp's Awesomenessssss PART ONE

~~~~:Bus Trip:~~~~

Came to school at around 12:30. There were probably four or five people there. So few. So, waited, then more people showed up... bla bla, THE BUS DRIVER WAS LATE! But then we went in, and it was COLD. Air conditioning is so nice. So we sat down, 45 minutes later we got there.

--xxFirst Dayxx--

Nur Lembah Pangsun in Hulu Langat, a rather lovely place. Very 'kampung style', me likes. So, we unloaded the luggage from the bus and stuffed it all in a small room beside the dormitories(yeah, did I mention DORMITORIES? Take that Campzilla) and went downstairs. The whole vicinity was quite cool, and fresh air... ahhh. A change from the hazy Subang air.

The hall was air conditioned too... hmm, I like this place a lot, hehe. We went in, there were some introductions, and we played some icebreakers to lighten up the mood. There were ten groups, ehem: Corazon, Kapoia, Cuore, Sydan, Zureh, Inima, Hart, Herz, Croi and Serce.

I was in Cuore, along with David, Alvin, Jeremy, Clara, Lemina, Wykeith and some other guy who never showed up for camp, Ezra something. My team-mates ARE THE COOLEST, you guys rock. :D BTW, Cuore is Italian for Heart. Actually, all the team names are Heart in different languages. Croi was Irish, and Kapoia was Brazilian(?) and Hart was Dutch. But Cuore was the best. :P

The Pastor's name was Les Lee. Cool name, eh? His two kids were SO FREAKING ADORABLE IENAPGOJAEPOAONSQUISHCAPSLOCK awww, Elicia and Eleon(?), I'm not very sure about the spelling, though. His wife was there too, and she was nice. During the message he used life situations to relate to the Bible verses and stuff, it was really inspiring. Then, the movie. DUN DUN DUNNN. Left Behind was a movie about groups of people all over the world being left behind.

So we went to the dorms, put our bags and stuff there, I got the last bed on the top corner next to the window connecting the next dorm. Went down and dinner, stuff like that la, and then the P&W, was before or after the movie(?) I can't remember. My sleep-logged brain is dizzy from remembering the events of the first day.

So, after getting out of the hall, I bought Maggi Mee and went emo-ing at Emo Corner 2 with Ken Jiu, Abigail, Benjamin and, uhh, Kim came for a while then left. We sat there until 12 oh clock, haha. :D

The bed was nice. I didn't take a bath the first day(eww) because it was too crowded. How crowded? Imagine thirteen cars bumper to bumper on a predestrian bridge. Mmhmm. Okay, maybe too much exaggeration.

^*^*Day Two*^*^

Woke up early enough. It was freezing, so I put on mah trusty combat jacket and slipped out of the dorms, booklet and cap in hand. Ohyea, forgot to mention that they gave these red booklets to us with names and groups and timetables and devotion thingys. Then, went to the hall to meet with my group. CUORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Then was devotion, lalala, we talked about love and stuffies and then went for breakfast. Breakfast comprised of nasi lemak which was quite good in my opinion. We sat in groups, got to kno other a little more, talk a bit. Then, it was over to the hall, and we had P&W, which was totaly awesomely cool. xD

OH WOO JUNGLE TREKKKKKKKK-K-K-KING TODAY. It was , well, TOTALLY EXHAUSTIING but totally WORTH IT, like Jeremy said, "There'll definitely be something rewarding at the end." I was right behind him, and Damien was in front of him, and Elaine was behind me. It was a long and tiring walk/climb/hike up the mountain, and wet too. The rivers were cold and nice, but people kept freaking out about the leeches.

So, at the end, it was rewarding, because there was an amazing waterfall up at the top, where we all splashed around and played for a while. Some of them were sitting right at the base, soaked right to the bone. I wandered around the area, throwing water at people, haha. Clara gave me her bottle and I poured the water on the nearest person: Denzyl. xD

We all climbed back down the mountain, where it took faster to come down than to come up. Clovey was behind me this time, and when we got down to the road, we were joined by Tsu Tsen and Eric. He brought his little water gun, hehe. Then, came the group of Form 5's, and we all walked into the camp area, tired, thirsty, a little hungry and bruised up. Some people got injured, and bla.

I shall continue this in PART TWO of CF Camp's Awesomenessssss ktnxbai.

we are the cuores, ohyeaaaa

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