Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm Still LOL-ing

I have not blogged in a while, people.

Very sorry for lack of useless, boring, uninsightful updates.
I know nobody reads this junk anyway, so hey presto!
Magically long post tonight!

Here we goooooo....

Okay, first off, there was an incident in school, where during the holidays, some people/someone sprayed graffiti all over parst of the school hall. Personally, I kinda liked the long squiggle across the wall; call me mad as a hatter, but it was very artsy. Even though I didn't really appreciate the f words and middle finger on the doors. The teacher got a few boys to clean off some of the writings using thinner. There are still smudges everywhere.

"Minggu Kerjaya" started this week, also known as ~in english~ Ambition Week. I think. So, the morning session put on a fashion show where they dressed up in outfits that matched the jobs; for example: a doctor, an archeologist, a painter and my personal favourite, the band of rockstars. It was awesome. And, the secretary who walked in with the accountant was really ngggghhhhhh. Short skirt, high heels, tight blouse... all the guys ~and girl, xD~ were staring. The RELA team was awesome. Really, I think I night join RELA next year or something.

And then, I didn't go for the LEO IR Day auditions. I totally blanked out and said, "To hell with it. I can't sing, so I ain't going!" and that was that. Besides, I'm pretty sure that no one would like The Plain White T's "Hey There Delilah" anyways. :[

Now, if I may continue my rant...

I move on to Twitter. It is doing very good for me, and also for a certain Brendon whom Maddie hopes will answer her reply. By the way, Maddie is my friend from London and she is the absolute best writer I have ever met, and so is Colin. They're both amazing people. <3

So, today was the frst time in three weeks, three freaking weeks, that I managed to say hi to my best friend. The conversation only lasted like thirty seconds because said friend was busy, and had to leave. Sigh. I miss my best firned. Even though we're in the same school, we barely see each other anymore. I miss standard four. We used to hang out all the time, even when people thought it was weird. Now, I'm resorted to stalking Erfan and Faiz. :l

Okay, onto the freaky stuff.
If you do not tolerate anything over NC-17, I beg you to leave the page now.
So, begins.

I just read an amazing 3,345 word long fanfic about femmeslash. Yep. You guessed it. Femmeslash!Swap!bandom fics are now my OTP. I have no idea how that happened. Seriously, the mere notion as a bandom boy as a girl, doing over PG-13 things to another girl, is disturbingly hot interesting.

Afiq, if you're reading this, YES, IT'S PROBABLY CAUSE I'M BI. NOT MY FAULT SO WHAT. :PPP

So, move over, Rydon, and make way for ALL GIRL ORGY THREESOMMMME. YEAAAAAAAAAH.


I'm so weird and you know it.


That's all for now.


xo when it alteration finds, let me not to true minds admit impediment

aka tash

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