Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So much debate over the use of the word Allah has been brought up this past week. It's so unecessary, really. I mean, if the government is going to do the whole "1Malaysia" thing, then they should actually start making Malaysia into a whole, not a divided state where arsonists burn churches and protestors rally over every little thing.

Well, first thing's first.


This month has been so aptly dubbed Plan-uary. Because I have many things to plan.

So, hope school turns out good fer everyone, as I venture into another year of Pi madness. We have lost three quarters of the 2009 Pions, the 3K, Chinese Fellas and the Girlz included, so, there's a lot less noise now.

The teachers swoon over our quietness in class. Lol.


Recess Revolution!!!! This Thursday, people! Spread the love, and help us, if you're a CF member of SMKSU. If not, then just come on Thursday, and enjoy the surprise. :)

Well, off to school then. Hold on. Last minute shout-outs.

Needs to inspiration for Bleach and FF7 fics. Help wanted. Reward: a fic fer yerself as well.

RYAAAAAAN do you know how complicated it is to draw someone playing the piano? Be grateful it's your birthday, man. Happy Birthday again. I love ya. Cheers.

Oh, and Ryan? Tell Mikey I said hi. I miss those glasses of his, yea? Oh, and remind him that if he runs away again, I'll take a baseball bat to his face. So, yeah. Happy 2010 to both of you. And that awesome CF of yours.

Cheerio, blog people.


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